Thijs Feryn
Technical Evangelist, Varnish Software Group
Thijs is a published author and wrote Getting Started with Varnish Cache and Varnish 6 by Example. As a public speaker, he has a track record of over 360 presentations in 24 different countries, where he is often praised for his energetic and engaging presentation style.
As an evangelist, Thijs is also active in many open-source communities, most notably the Varnish and PHP community. He has contributed to various communities for over 15 years both technically and as an organizer and facilitator.
Prior to joining Varnish Software, Thijs Feryn spent 15 years in the web hosting industry, tackling web performance and scalability issues on a daily basis and evangelizing these topics.
- Technical
Optimizing Varnish for Magento: Advanced Techniques for Performance and Scalability
Expect In-Depth Insights:
dotMagento-generated VCL template, showing ways to optimize and add advanced features
dotEnhancing hit rates, refining cache invalidation strategies & simplifying Varnish configuration
dotURL normalization, soft purges, tag-based cache invalidation, and dynamic backends
dotExpert guidance to maximize varnish performance in Magento